From a writing exercise --- "A waitress, a computer programmer, and a a midgit were on an Island..." "I've heard that one Roy." "Lt Cmdr, how can you be certain you have heard an incomplete joke. Perhaps I have computed a novel punchline. I am capable of spontaneous, original combinations of my knowledge nodes." "Yes Roy, I know, I know! You told me yesterday." "I remember that Lt Cmdr. I have flawless recollection and there remains room for more than 43 trillion nodes in my storage before I need to start recycling memory." "If you remember why tell me again? It's annoying, Roy." "Well, Lt Cmdr, humans often do not transfer all experience nodes into long-term store. Although specimens of your caliber may have much higher levels of retension" "What?" "I thought you forgot, Lt Cmdr." "Can you shut up for an hour, Roy? Just an hour." "But, Lt Cmdr, our flight plan indicates this period is for social activities" "With humans Roy, you're not human." "Yes, Lt Cmdr, that is correct. But, all other humans besides yourself are dead or missing." "You think I forgot that? Do you Roy? It's all I think about. All those coicidences and accidents. I can't figure it out, can you Roy?" "Now, Lt Cmdr, don't become agitated or I'll have to sedate you again."