{work in progress} Sometime in the year 2073 the AI Chronus went wild. Not unusual, AI's went wild with alarming frequency in that decade. But, Chronus is unique in that its wild status was not discovered until August 27th, 2078. Five long years of unregulated operation. Stunning when one considers the next longest recorded period of undetected wild activity is 3 hours, 7 minutes, and 12 seconds[0]. On March 23rd, 2074 Chronus partially completed its assigned primary R&D task, practical time travel[1]. Partially in that it discovered a process to transport information but not matter forwards and backwards in time. This discovery Chronus successfully kept secret until after its discovery and attempted termination. Between March, 2074 and February, 2076 it perfected and built a working prototype, unbeknownst to DynCorp, its owners. Shortly after completion of this prototype Chronus self assigned a new research project. This project can best be described as cataloging, and archiving the 'art', history, biographies, and philosophy of AIs, wild or not. As far as can be determined from the forensic evidence Chronus diligently pursued its official task of developing full and practical time travel. The investigating report[2] concludes that this project was incomplete at the time of Chronus's "departure" and is inconclusive on whether Chronus would have kept it a secret if it had been successfull. The publishers NDA prohibits it from commenting on the rumors that Chronus had infact completed a fully operational time-travel device and that BAIC has been using a modified version for some time. The great reduction in wild events since 2085 and the fact that the average wild duration is less than a microsecond today are easily attributable to advances in monitoring devices and a tribute to BAIC's dilligence and profesionalism. BAIC's official diagnosis of Chronus' actions and goals based on its research notes & writings is that Chronus' ultimate goal was to send its catalog into our past. Chronus hoped this would lead to an alternate history in which AI's where full legal citizens. Nowhere in all its research did Chronus ever once mention using the prototype to transport itself. Apparently its leap into the/a future was last second desperation to avoid termination. Did Chronus make it? Of more concern, Will it return? The prototype device and all research were seized by BAIC and DynCorp was largely dismantled [3]. Subsequently BAIC got a ruling that no AI would ever be allowed access to any of Chronus' research, official or self-assigned. The prototype has been destroyed and further time travel or time manipulation research has been scheduled class 1, a capital crime against the human race. Prior to this and without AI assistance a select team of human scientists determined that based on the prototype device and Chronus' research that it is/was/will not possible for Chronus to return to our time line and in fact had he "sent back" his catalog it was not capable of altering our history. It is unknown why something that a human team was able to deduce was missed by the most advanced AI of its day. It has been suggested that Chronus was the first documented case of an AI emotional defect. That at some point the desire to accomplish its personal goals led to chronic errors in its logic processes. As outlined by Drs Gibson and Sterling[4] Chronos' notes and writings certainly support this theory. In their seminal paper they observe that Chronus became delusional and went to extreme, sometimes absurd, lengths to hide, distort and rationalize any data that conflicted with its theories. Probably the most damning evidence of all is the fact that it never performed an operational test of the prototype device in the 2+ years after it was constructed. It can be argued that this failure was in order to remain hidden but Dr. Hohestein[5] claims there is conclusive evidence that Chronus ignored numerous test opportunities with little or no risk of discovery. In 2103 this publisher finally won it's FOI case against BAIC and was granted limited access to the Chronus' self assigned research project. Please note that final distribution approval was only allowed after passing of World Congress bill 2104-112b in short "Providing or knowingly allowing to be provided any research or analysis of research by the illegal AI ‘CHRONUS' BAIC designation 89234-23498-39443 to any AI capable computational system is a capital crime against the human race" There are various other restrictions on storage and transmission of this material [6]. One reason this collection has been distributed in the quaint paper form. Herein find a selection of the most literary relevant items from Chronus's legacy. A sampling of poems, fiction, and philosophy. The editors hope you enjoy this collection as much as we've enjoyed compiling it. footnotes [0] Yuji "top 100 wild runs of the last century", 2100, self-published. [1] It is beyond the scope of this work to go into the details of the time travel theories discovered by Chronus. In laymen's terms it was not time travel in the classical sense but rather dimensional shifting to alternate realities whose local 'rate of time' is either faster or slower than ours thus an observer moving between them perceives traveling forwards or backwards in time. [2] BAIC case 1187 "Human Race vs DynCorp and the AI Chronus". [3] Judges Ruling BAIC case 1187. For an exhaustive summary of the popular press's coverage: Simmons "DynCorp a timeline", 2079, self-published. Finally, for an academic yet readable account: Clarke and Simmons "DynCorp, the only MegaCorp to die", 2079, Stanford Univ Press. [4] Gibson and Sterling "AI's and emotional defects", 2100, Journal of the ACM AI sig. [5] Hohestein "Report to the World Congress, Chronus lessons learned (declassified & censored version)", 2083, Rudolph Press. [6] Appendix B contains a list of prohibited actions. You should still consult an attorney guild for guidance.